Aurora's 2025 Outdoor Evaluation Process and Times

Evaluation Process

If you are unfamiliar with the process, please read all the information. 

  • You must be registered to attend evaluations.
  • Each age division has a separate tryout time.   


U7D and U9D - Developmental Age Groups

  • Evaluations will be done in a 1/2-round format.
  • Evaluations are held strictly for the purpose of creating equal teams of equal skill level.  Therefore, attendance at evaluations is not necessary, but is an extremely valuable experience for when players move into U11.  
  • Based on availability of fields and time, Aurora will do their best to hold a couple of practice sessions before teams are finalized and before the season starts. This allows any players who have missed evaluations to be placed on a team, ensuring teams are equally created.
  • All teams in these age-groups practice together. Practices are led by Aurora's Technical Team.  



  • Evaluations will be done in a 2-round format for Alliance and 1-round format for City. This allows evaluators to fully evaluate the large number of players in these divisions.
  • During evaluations/tryouts, players may participate in small group drills as well as an on-field scrimmage. Parents may observe the evaluations however, they should not interact with the players or evaluators in any way.
  • If a player is interested in goalkeeping, please notify staff at tryout check-in.
  • Aurora Soccer Club policy is that all players register and attend evaluations in their proper age group, as well any bio-banding option.

     *Please Note U11-U19*

  • If wanting to attend evaluations. Only athletes with a valid conflict reason will be allowed to miss the initial evaluation or callback date *Alliance Only*. Please submit rationale by email to if you are unable to attend, and the club will attempt to accommodate.  
  • Players wishing to be considered for Alliance A must attend evaluations. Players wanting only Alliance B do not have to attend tryouts, but are still encouraged to attend to allow us to make Alliance B teams as even as possible.
  • Players that wish to stay in the City league are still encouraged to attend tryouts. This will allow us to make city league teams as even as possible. 


U13 Girls PSL

Aurora will be hosting a U13G PSL team in Outdoor 2025. The evaluation will take place along side our normal U13 Girls evaluation *Please indicate at sign in if you are trying out for PSL U13G Only*

Few details about PSL;

  • PSL is a league that has teams play each other across the province, i.e; Saskatoon, P.A., Regina teams, etc play against each other for the whole season.
  • The Alliance A team will primarily make up the PSL team, with majority being Aurora players with few guest players if evaluated. (Guest players: Alliance B or Players from other clubs)
  • Players will be expected to practice 2-3 times depending on games in that week.
  • One Alliance A game a week, and with selected weekends having 1-2 PSL games. 
  • PSL games can take place outside of the City so expect traveling or staying over night.
  • Season runs until middle-end of July.
  • PSL has standings and will have a final at the end.


Tryout Attire

  • Players are required to wear shin guards and soccer cleats.
  • Players are not to wear wristbands, watches, jewelry or piercings of any kind.
  • Please bring a water bottle.


Evaluation Scheduling

Age Group




U7 Girls

March 17 & March 18

March 17: 5:15pm-6pm

March 18: 5:30pm-6:15pm 

Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U7 Boys

March 17 & March 18

March 17: 5:15pm-6pm

March 18: 5:30pm-6:15pm 

Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U9 Girls

March 19 & March 20

March 19 & 20: 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U9 Boys

Group 1 - Last Name "A - K"


Group 2 - Last Name "L - Z" 


March 19 & March 20

Group 1

March 19: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

March 20: 7:30pm - 8:30pm


Group 2 

March 19: 7:30pm - 8:30pm

March 20: 6;30pm - 7:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U11 Girls

City Rec 

March 18



March 22 & March 23

City Rec 

March 18: 6:15pm - 7:15pm



March 22: 3:15pm - 4:15pm

March 23: 4:15pm - 5:15pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U11 Boys

Group 1 - Last Name "A - K"


Group 2 - Last Name "L - Z" 

City Rec

March 17



March 22 & March 23

City Rec 

March 17: 6:15pm - 7:15pm


Alliance Group 1

March 22: 1:15pm - 2:15pm

March 23: 6:15pm - 7:15pm


Alliance Group 2

March 22: 2:15pm - 3:15pm

March 23: 5:15pm - 6:15pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U13 Girls

*PSL Evaluation takes place same time*

City Rec 

March 18


Alliance & PSL

March 24 & March 26

City Rec 

March 18: 6:15pm - 7:15pm


Alliance & PSL

March 24 & 26: 6:15pm - 7:15pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U13 Boys

City Rec

March 17



March 24 & March 26

City Rec

March 17: 6:15pm - 7:15pm



March 24 &

Group 1: March 26: 5:15pm - 6:15pm

Group 2: March 28: 7:30pm - 8:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U15 Girls

City Rec

March 20



March 24 & March 28

City Rec

March 20: 8:30pm - 9:30pm



March 24: 7:15pm - 8:15pm 

March 28: 5:30pm - 6:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U15 Boys

City Rec

March 19



March 24 & March 28

City Rec

March 19: 8:30pm - 9:30pm



March 24: 8:15pm - 9:15pm 

Group 1: March 28: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Group 2: March 28: 8:30pm - 9:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U17 - U19 Girls

City Rec & Alliance

March 26 & 28

March 26: 7:15pm - 8:15pm

*CANCELED*March 28: 7:30pm - 8:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)

U17 - U19 Boys

City Rec & Alliance

March 26 & 28

March 26: 8:15pm - 9:15pm

*CANCELED*March 28: 8:30pm - 9:30pm


Arrive 30 mins early for check in

Saskatoon Soccer Centre

(150 Nelson Road)


Pre- Season Training Sessions - Starts Mid-April

Times will be added to team apps after team selection is done.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Club Administrator at

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